Enterprise Risk Management: The Final Frontier

The definition of risk continues to expand as do the systems that support them. As organizations expand from a traditional risk management model to more a holistic enterprise risk management (ERM) process, the need for a strategic approach that can scale is critical. The methods and processes associated with ERM make technology a key part of any successful ERM program.
Join a panel of experts for a free, one-hour webinar that discusses how risk management information systems (RMIS) are advancing to meet the ever-evolving demands of risk professionals and how technology can support your ERM journey.
In this webinar you will learn:
– How to put in place a process to methodically document, assess and react to risks that threaten strategic organizational objectives;
– Document and evaluate control activities in place to mitigate those risks; 
– Follow up on highly rated risks or ineffective controls with risk action plan workflows; and
– How to easily communicate to leadership the current risk environment through heat maps and dashboards.
The panelists are:
Patrick O’Neill – President & Founder, Redhand Advisors (Moderator)
Roy Hock – Senior Manager Risk, Pacific Drilling
Joshua Newsum – Senior Practice Lead—ERM, Origami Risk
Brandon Thompson – Senior Sales Executive, Origami Risk
The webinar is sponsored by Origami Risk and presented by the RMIS Technology Association.