Patrick O'Neill

Webcast – Riskonnect Acquisition

[cs_content][cs_element_section _id=\”1\” ][cs_element_layout_row _id=\”2\” ][cs_element_layout_column _id=\”3\” ][x_video_embed no_container=\”false\” type=\”16:9\”][/x_video_embed][cs_element_text _id=\”5\” ][cs_content_seo]This Webcast features Jim Wetekamp, CEO of Riskonnect, and our own Patrick O\’Neill, discussing Riskonnect\’s recent news of the growth investment by TA Associates in Riskonnect. Click the embedded link to view the interview.\\n\\n[/cs_content_seo][/cs_element_layout_column][/cs_element_layout_row][/cs_element_section][cs_element_section _id=\”6\” ][cs_element_layout_row _id=\”7\” ][cs_element_layout_column _id=\”8\” ][cs_element_text _id=\”9\” ][cs_content_seo]Blog\\n\\n[/cs_content_seo][cs_element_line _id=\”10\” ][/cs_element_layout_column][/cs_element_layout_row][cs_element_layout_row _id=\”11\”

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3 Ways Technology is Changing the Claims Universe Ahead of 2022

By David Tweedy, Redhand Advisors Back in the late 1970s, I entered the workforce as a claims adjuster for Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. At that time, not much was automated. The only computers were large mainframes that stored policyholder and claims data but were generally inaccessible to claims personnel. Everything was manual and paper oriented. 

3 Ways Technology is Changing the Claims Universe Ahead of 2022 Read More »

(Just) One Click: How Instant Access to Data-Driven Insights Can Transform Risk Management

Risk Managers have been struggling with the same old problems forever : How to effectively do their job without the necessary information to tell their story to markets, management and their own organization. For far too long the risk management community has been underserved by technology and access to accurate real-time data. Joined by Laurie

(Just) One Click: How Instant Access to Data-Driven Insights Can Transform Risk Management Read More »

Transforming Legacy Claims Solutions

The workers’ compensation industry has been striving to streamline and automate the claims process for years. One of the things that’s holding us back from this picture of automation is the fact that many organizations are clinging to outdated technology. Today, newer platforms make it possible to modify claims systems on the fly—with little to no code—hence, their moniker: low-code / no-code platforms.

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Webinar Recap: 2021 RMIS Report & Beyond – A New Era in Risk Management

On the heels of the 2021 RMIS Survey, Redhand Advisors’ President & Founder, Patrick O’Neill, and Senior Advisor, David Tweedy, authors of the RMIS Report, along with Robert Petrie, CEO & Founder of Origami Risk, and Jennifer Turner, SVP Product Manager at Gallagher Bassett, discussed report findings. These experts offered several key takeaways and discussed emerging trends. The panel also disclosed key insights not included in the 2021 RMIS Report, addressed return on investment (ROI) with RMIS, and acknowledged the growing private equity presence in the industry.

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