Patrick O'Neill

Large Language AI Technology: Implications and Practical Applications for Property and Casualty Insurance

Join Spear Technologies, George Hills and Microsoft for our webinar where we delve into the world of artificial intelligence and its practical applications for Property and Casualty (P&C) insurance. As the insurance industry continues to evolve, the advent of advanced AI technologies presents tremendous opportunities for efficiency, accuracy, and enhanced customer experiences.

Large Language AI Technology: Implications and Practical Applications for Property and Casualty Insurance Read More »

Mastering Integrated Risk Management: Building Resilience into Your Organization

Organizations need to gain a holistic understanding of their unique risks to thrive in our increasingly complex world. Integrated risk management brings users, data, and decisions into one centralized system that enables companies to make strides in effectively and proactively mitigating risk across their entire organization.

Mastering Integrated Risk Management: Building Resilience into Your Organization Read More »

10 Keys to a Successful RMIS Implementation

Implementation is the foundation of your new RMIS system, and it’s crucial that it is done right the first time. Without a strong implementation process, you risk having a problematic system that will create challenges long after implementation has ended. Unwinding parts and pieces of the system the modify or fix things once it goes live can be quite difficult and costly.

10 Keys to a Successful RMIS Implementation Read More »

Mastering Integrated Risk Management: Building Resilience in an Uncertain World

A major theme of the 2023 RMIS Report, published by Redhand Advisors, is the growing popularity of integrated risk management as a way to better manage risk and decisions in an increasingly complex world.  Watch this insightful webinar where we will delve into the foundations of integrated risk management and explore practical strategies to mitigate risks

Mastering Integrated Risk Management: Building Resilience in an Uncertain World Read More »