Advancing Analytics: Putting Risk Analytics to Work for Your Business

Insurance analytics and big data are revolutionizing the risk management landscape. But how do you harness these tools to ensure the best effect? Increasingly effective tools are available to risk managers to help them understand and enhance their loss data to manage their business.

Ventiv’s Manesh Kotwani & Angus Rhodes, Redhand Advisors’ Patrick O’Neill, Turner Construction’s David Lawton, and Advisen’s Erin Ayers discussed the importance of insurance analytics. They shared how risk managers can start the journey toward using analytics demonstrated objective and performance indicator-led analytics.

The following panelists participated in the webinar:

  • Manesh Kotwani, Vice President of Analytics, Ventiv
  • Angus Rhodes, Product Marketing & Business Development, Ventiv
  • David Lawton, Director of Information Technology, Turner Construction
  • Pat O’Neill, President, Red Hand Advisors
  • Erin Ayers, Editor, Advisen (Moderator)

The following topics were discussed:

  • Why do analytics matter?
  • What are the different types of analytics available?
  • What are the practical examples of the benefits of predictive analytics?
  • What is advanced analytics?
  • What does the near future hold for analytics?

Click here to access the audio and download the slides

#RiskManagementTechnology #RMIS #Advisen #Analytics