5 Ways to Get the Most Out of Your RMIS

By Patrick O’Neill, Founder and President, Redhand Advisors

Many organizations don’t consider optimization beyond implementation of a new RMIS, but it’s crucial to think about how to get the most out of your system on an ongoing basis. Even companies utilizing legacy systems can extend their shelf life. Institute these five best practices to get the most out of your RMIS:

  1. Conduct ongoing training

Organizations should not underestimate the value of ongoing training for users, as well-trained users are vital to the RMIS’ success. Initial training is intense, and users often don’t remember every nugget of information they have learned. Ongoing training reinforces concepts a user may have forgotten and teaches them about new features of the system, which gives them the ability to improve their use of the system.

Ongoing training doesn’t have to be formal, either. Many providers offer libraries of recorded sessions, which can be accessed as needed so users can train at their own pace. It also shows that you are willing to invest in your people, the tools they use, and their career development.

Organizations should aim to provide RMIS training at least quarterly. As your team becomes more proficient on the system, train on additional features. Check your contract and take advantage of any training services your vendor offers. The more you learn how to use the RMIS, the more you’ll get out of it.

  1. Integrate with other systems

Linking your RMIS to internal and external systems can help create a one-stop shop for all the information you need, improving efficiency across your operations. Consider linking internal systems into your RMIS such as: human resources, safety and compliance, and financial systems; as well as third party vendors that you use.

Integrated systems provide:

  • Real-time data with fewer errors. Integration can provide quicker access to data and eliminate potential errors if the data is being rekeyed into the system.
  • Streamlined and automated processes. Users can automate routine tasks and processes such as approvals, claim assignments, and renewal notifications through the RMIS, saving time and money.
  • Visibility into all risk information. If you use third-party services such as loss control, you can integrate the data, providing access to all your risk information in one place.
  1. Leverage portals and mobile apps

Portals and apps can replace routine tasks that require manual intervention, significantly reducing operational costs. They also provide access to infrequent users who might need only a portion of the RMIS to do their jobs. For example, to report claims or provide renewal information for a location.  

It’s crucial to understand that portals and apps don’t duplicate the entire system; they’re user-friendly interfaces that feed data into the RMIS and allow users to submit data directly into the system without the need for access to the full system or the training that may be required to use it. Typically, a portal or app will minimize the need to fill out forms manually or relay risk data and information via email or phone call (which then requires someone to manually enter that information into the system).

  1. Stay current on the latest features

Generally speaking, software vendors release updates regularly, to include system patches and security updates as well as new features. In a SaaS environment, new features may be rolled out but not activated automatically. Some system updates may not be automatic, and if the changes are significant, you and your team may need training before implementing.

It’s worth the time and effort: New functionality and features can give you better options within your RMIS. But it’s up to you to take control of your RMIS journey. 

Have a process to evaluate new features and determine which are applicable. Training plays a major role in this since it’s not as simple as switching on a new feature. 

  1. Participate in user forums and conferences

Peer-to-peer discussion groups are an opportunity to learn how others optimize their RMIS or solve specific problems. In addition, if the vendor participates, your input could help improve the system as well. 

Look for vendor-hosted conferences with a captive audience of experienced users to get the biggest bang for your buck. Attend client-led sessions to see the software used in real-life scenarios that potentially match your own. Network with your peers to develop resources for future issues.

Optimization requires time and effort

Getting the most out of your RMIS doesn’t require a doctorate; it requires management, attention, and effort. Identify your specific needs and understand the full capabilities of your RMIS as it currently operates, so you can address any shortcomings and more successfully manage business risk. 

You can add to the lifespan of your RMIS by taking full advantage of its capabilities and delay obsolescence by implementing new capabilities as they emerge. Keep exploring new features of your RMIS to discover its vast benefits.
To find out how you can get even more out of your RMIS solution, schedule an inquiry call with Redhand Advisors.